The Ethereal System

General system info

We're a traumagenic OSDD-1B (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder) system of 7 (including host)!
Due to not having access to specialists, we're unable to get an official diagnosis at the moment and we're not even 100% sure!
Please, do not use the fact some alters are adults as a window/excuse to flirt with us. Remember the body is a minor.Host


Officer Leon & Agent Kennedy

Name: Leon S. Kennedy
Age: 21
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bi (male pref)
Source: RE2OG
Role: Co-host, protector
Likes: 90's rock, sourcemates, doubles :)
Dislikes: source, Ada

Boundaries: nicknames are okay and so are hugs and other platonic affections, but please do not flirt with me, thanks.

Boundaries: no hugs or nicknames unless we're close and definitely no flirting.

Name: Leon S. Kennedy
Age: 37
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bi (male pref)
Source: RE Vendetta
Role: Protector
Likes: Uhhh... Chris..
Dislikes: ??

Fluttershy & Lychee

Boundaries: I'd rather not be hugged unless it's someone I really trust... NO FLIRTING!!

As for Lychee, he's a little too young, so I'll introduce paw myself...!
Name: Lychee
Age: Around 5?
Pronouns: he/paw
Source: N/A
Role: N/A
Likes: warm milk, stuffies
Dislikes: loud noises

Name: Fluttershy
Age: Ageless
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: Aroace
Source: My Little Pony
Role: Caretaker, trauma holder
Likes: Spreading kindness, animals, taking care of Lychee and the system
Dislikes: Rude people, animal cruelty...

Lychee's boundaries:
Please don't interact with Lychee unless Leo, Officer Leon or I trust you!! We don't allow him to use Discord or Instagram anyway...


Name: Patrick
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: Gay
Source: RE Infinite Darkness
Role: N/A
Likes: Leon, sourcemates, tortilla, whatever dumb music Leo plays on his headphones
Dislikes: I dunno..

Boundaries: Mmm.. hugs are 100% fine. Compliments too, as long as they're not sexual.


Name: Oleg/RK1000
Age: Ageless
Pronouns: it/he
Sexuality: What's that?
Source: DBH (I'm based pn a fan made character)
Role: N/A
Likes: Not sure.
Dislikes: Emotions.
Boundaries: Do not touch me.

Art credit: teapredator on tumblr!